
What I’m up to at the moment

There are three major elements to what GrailHeart is about:

  • Music (Neo-medieval ‘minimalism’)
  • Video (to go with the music — music is more immersive with video)
  • Blogs (Mind and heart-expanding stories and essays).

I have clarity about my music. I have clarity about my blogs. Video, however, has been a tough nut to crack. Fractals and super-modern-looking fluid/particle dynamics don’t fit with the neo-medieval ethos. Video of me playing doesn’t promote the immersive meditative state I want to promote. So, I think what will do the job is ‘animated mandalas’ — or “AniMandalas” for short.  So I’ve settled on animated geometric mandalas, using Blender to generate them. (Blender is an animation program — see here.)

Blender is vast, but there’s a tiny subset of it which will do the job — ‘geometry nodes’. So I’m doing a crash course on those. (My background in math and programming is a big help!) I think I can have a presentable first effort in a week or three — up up up from there!


Last updated: 2024 Aug 13