
In a village nestled snugly between rolling hills and a vast, shadowy forest, the air was always alive with a sense of community as bright and abundant as the golden leaves of autumn. The village thrived on its rich traditions, chief among them the grand Harvest Festival. This annual celebration marked the culmination of the...
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Once upon a time at GrailHeart, where seekers came to pursue wisdom and courage, a new fear settled over the community. News had arrived that a powerful figure had risen to rule the kingdom beyond the cathedral’s walls. Rumors circulated of swift changes, harsh laws, and unforeseen challenges. Although none of these changes had yet...
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One of our wanderers in residence — Balinor Lyre — is a sage of both alchemy and music. Balinor initially pursued the path of an academic scholar. But, one day, Balinor experienced a cataclysmic psychic event (that’s all he’ll say about it — with a twinkle in his eye and an enigmatic smile). This ‘event’...
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The sun hung low in the sky as Aric and Lyra sat on a weathered stone bench in a courtyard of GrailHeart. “The air floated in the coolness of the fading day, while Aric’s heart sank, heavy with quiet frustration.” “I don’t know if I can keep doing this,” Aric confessed, his voice low. “No...
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A guest post by GrailHeart Wanderer in Residence Luca di Benedetto There are some days when the world feels like it’s pressing down on you, like it’s all just too much. The kind of day when the questions and doubts pile up faster than you can shove them away. I used to spend those days...
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Space-time is doomed! So says David Gross, Nobel Laureate in Theoretical Physics. And he has plenty of company in the physics community. He doesn’t mean that space-time itself is doomed, but that our concept of it has to go. Here’s why… Theoretical physics — concerned with the basics of how the Cosmos works — is roughly...
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The Book of the Order of Chivalry (c. 1275), was written by Ramon Llull (1232–1315), a polymath and Christian mystic from Majorca. Llull thought that knights should be chosen, trained, and ordained like priests. Llull’s book became a handbook of chivalry throughout much of Europe. Being a Christian mystic, of course he writes about Chivalry...
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The Book of the Order of Chivalry (c. 1275), was written by Ramon Llull (1232–1315), a polymath and Christian mystic from Majorca. Llull thought that knights should be chosen, trained, and ordained like priests. Llull’s book became a handbook of chivalry throughout much of Europe. Being a Christian mystic, of course he writes about Chivalry...
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The Book of the Order of Chivalry (c. 1275), was written by Ramon Llull (1232–1315), a polymath and Christian mystic from Majorca. Llull thought that knights should be chosen, trained, and ordained like priests. Llull’s book became a handbook of chivalry throughout much of Europe. Being a Christian mystic, of course he writes about Chivalry...
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The Book of the Order of Chivalry (c. 1275), was written by Ramon Llull (1232–1315), a polymath and Christian mystic from Majorca. Llull thought that knights should be chosen, trained, and ordained like priests. Llull’s book became a handbook of chivalry throughout much of Europe. Being a Christian mystic, of course he writes about Chivalry...
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